Hi, this is "Complication", a fanlisting collective related to The Fanlistings.org.
I'm Dorothy, nice to meet you all!
Welcome to my Fanlisting Collective, this is the place where I keep my babies and my job related to books, movies, games and more.
I'll try to update it
frequently, everytime I can.
A special thanks to my best friend Akira K.S., that gave me the idea to create this site. I really have to thank her for the suggestion, thanks for all!!
Feel free to visit all the sections, and thank you for your visit!
UPDATES date: November 28, 2012
subject: Fanlistings
After almost a year... I'm here again! Eh, I'm always busy... but sometimes I remember to keep this place alive!
I'll show you my new sites! They're fanlisting related to:
UPDATES date: November 17, 2011
subject: Fanlistings
Hello~ It's note like I forgot to have this site, eheheheh...
Finally I inserted my latest fanlistings and you can see them in the proper sections. My last job is the one of Okamoto Nobuhiko, a talented Japanese voice actor that in this moment is the most incredible one, the characters dubbed by him are so natural and interesting that I needed to apply for his fanlisting~